Why do I need to purchase test forms, if there is already a copy of the form in the manual?
The short answer is you only need to purchase tests if you are going to use them in actual administration. Note that when you purchase a test manual or test form from WPS, the material will bear a notice similar to the following: "Copyright (c) 2012 by Western Psychological Services. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. All rights reserved."
A longer answer is that when you purchase a test manual or test form from WPS, the material will bear a notice similar to the following: "Copyright (c) 2011 by Western Psychological Services. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. All rights reserved." You need to purchase test forms for use because -- in keeping with recognized professional and ethical principles of test use, and per domestic and international copyright law -- professionally developed psychological test materials may not be reprinted, for a variety of professional and ethical reasons that include, though are not limited, to copyright considerations.
Here are two contrasting examples to illustrate how copyright is generally viewed in practice:
- If your pediatrician gave you an original, published BBRS form for use with your son/daughter under his/her guidance, that action would be professionally and legally acceptable.
- If your pediatrician gave you a photocopy or a BBRS form for use, that action would be professionally and legally unacceptable.