ProLearn® | WPS® Professional Learning Center – Elevate Your Expertise
Live Webinars
WPS is proud to offer professional development and continuing education opportunities to our customers. We invite you to join us for our live webinars where we will delve into highly sought-after topics. Our live webinars are scheduled throughout the year.
On-Demand Webinars
WPS is proud to offer professional development and continuing education opportunities to our customers. We invite you to join us for our on-demand webinars where we will delve into highly sought-after topics.
ADOS®-2 Clinical Workshop


The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) improves an instrument already viewed as "the gold standard" for observational assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). WPS offers 2-day workshops that teach you how to use the ADOS-2 to assess and diagnose autism. Experienced workshop leaders describe the ADOS-2 and demonstrate administration and scoring, operationalizing diagnostic criteria for ASD. You'll have the opportunity to practice scoring while observing an ADOS-2 administration. The workshop focuses primarily on Modules 1 through 4. Attendees are given materials to study later in order to complete training in the Toddler Module. This workshop is for professionals unfamiliar with the ADOS-2. Clinicians already trained in the ADOS can update their skills by reviewing the ADOS-2 Manual and completing the ADOS-2 Training Video Program Upgrade (LMS-606).
ADOS®-2 Toddler Module


The ADOS-2 Toddler Module is a diagnostic tool that can be used as part of a comprehensive assessment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children 12 to 30 months of age who are not yet speaking in phrases. This workshop uses lecture format and video demonstrations to introduce the basic principles of administration and scoring, providing an essential step toward competence in using the ADOS-2 Toddler Module for clinical and/or research purposes. Learners will complete the course with a fundamental understanding of the Toddler Module and experience in scoring with the support of a certified trainer.
ADOS-2® Refresher Course


This training is designed for individuals who have already completed the ADOS-2 Introductory Training (Modules 1–4), who are interested in further scoring practice and review. During this 1-day training, two full-length ADOS-2 video administrations will be shown. Participants will be given the opportunity to score and discuss results with the support of a certified trainer.
TOD® Training
WPS is pleased to offer a variety of educational resources and training opportunities to enhance your expertise in assessing for dyslexia and planning reading interventions with the TOD®.
Independent Study: Manuals/Books
Satisfy your Independent Study Continuing Education requirements with WPS products. The WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn) provides access to online training and continuing education materials, including independent study materials, video-based training, live webinars, and support materials for in-person events. WPS also offers some additional post-test materials in print form for obtaining Independent Study credits. These materials are not yet available on the WPS ProLearn, though we intend to make many of the offerings available in the future.
Independent Study: Training Video Programs
Training video programs are self-paced learning opportunities consisting of online videos and accompanying digital support materials on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn®). Optional continuing education (CE) credits are sold separately.
Group Training
To learn more about the availability of group training for your school and institution, please contact Both in-person and live webinar training availability is dependent on the size of your group and location. Organizations can be trained on specific products or how groups of products can work together. Inquire today!
Third-Party Training Programs


ADOS-2 Research Workshop

The ADOS-2 clinical workshop offered by WPS is a prerequisite to the more thorough research training offered by the ADOS-2 authors and their colleagues. Research training includes exercises to establish item coding accuracy to a specific criterion and is designed to help individuals achieve the high cross-site interrater reliability that is required in published research. WPS is not involved in research training workshops.

For information about ADOS-2 research training workshops, including current dates and locations, please visit the website of the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB):

CADB also offers other training opportunities, such as one-day workshops focused solely on learning the Toddler Module (for researchers and clinicians who are already trained in Modules 1-4 of the ADOS or ADOS-2). WPS is not involved in these other training opportunities. For information about training opportunities at CADB, please visit the CADB website:

Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R) Research Workshops

The ADI-R DVD Training Package offered by WPS provides clinical training in the use of the ADI-R. For those who plan to use the ADI-R for research purposes, the standard of practice is to attend an in-person ADI-R research training workshop and establish research reliability with the authors or their colleagues. WPS is not involved in research training workshops. For information about ADI-R research training workshops, including current dates and locations, please visit the website of the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB):

Childhood Autism Rating Scale™, Second Edition (CARS™2)

Chapel Hill TEACCH Center offers training on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS2). For information please visit

TEACCH Autism Program, CB# 7180 UNC-Chapel HIll, Chapel Hill, NC 27599



Personal Experience Inventory for Adults (PEI-A)

Hazelden Foundation offers training in the use and interpretation of the Personal Experience Inventory for Adults (PEI-A).

Please contact Hazelden Foundation directly for workshop schedules.

Hazelden Foundation Professional Education, Box 11, Center City, MN 55012


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