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If you are an ADOS-2 user who has not previously been trained in the ADOS, you should do the following to obtain essential competence in the ADOS-2:
- Make sure you have prior education, training, and experience that includes extensive exposure to autism spectrum disorders.
- Study the ADOS-2 Manual. You can purchase and complete associated post-test materials for obtaining Independent Study credits (LMS-605MCE) to receive 6 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the ADOS-2 Manual.
- Attend a WPS ADOS-2 Clinical Workshop (live in-person or live webinar) or complete online self-study using the ADOS-2 Training Video Program (LMS-605). These options offer training in all five ADOS-2 modules.
- Upon completion of the ADOS-2 Clinical Workshop (live in-person or live webinar), you will receive a certificate of completion that is equivalent to 12 contact hours of professional continuing education credit. You will also receive materials needed to learn the Toddler Module, and you can purchase and complete associated post-test materials for obtaining Independent Study credits (LMS-606CE) to receive an additional 12 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the toddler-specific materials.
- If you opt to complete your training using the ADOS-2 Training Video Program (LMS-605), you can purchase and complete the associated post-test materials for obtaining Independent Study credits (LMS-605CE) to receive 30 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the materials.
- Practice using the ADOS-2 on cases that are not part of formal evaluations, and become completely confident that you are familiar with the assessment activities and can apply the coding categories accurately. If you have considerable experience in formal behavioral observation and individual test administration, you may reach this level in as few as 10 practice sessions (2 per module). Otherwise, you may need considerably more practice to obtain competence in administering and coding the ADOS-2.
- If you are involved in formal research that may be published in peer-reviewed journals, you must also take a research training workshop, which is followed by exercises to establish item coding accuracy to a specific criterion. WPS is not involved in the research training workshops. For information on these courses, please visit:
If you are an ADOS-2 user who is already trained in the ADOS, you should do the following to obtain essential competence in the ADOS-2:
- Study the ADOS-2 Manual. You can purchase and complete associated post-test materials for obtaining Independent Study credits (LMS-605MCE) to receive 6 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the ADOS-2 Manual.
- Use the ADOS-2 Training Video Program Upgrade (LMS-606) to obtain additional training focused on the new Toddler Module. You can purchase and complete associated post-test materials for obtaining Independent Study credits (LMS-606CE) to receive 12 contact hours of professional continuing education credit for learning the materials.
- Practice using the ADOS-2 on cases that are not part of formal evaluations, and become completely familiar with the ADOS-2, including the updated administration, coding, and scoring guidelines and the new Toddler Module.
- If you are involved in formal research that may be published in peer-reviewed journals, you must also take a research training workshop, which is followed by exercises to establish item coding accuracy to a specific criterion. If you have already received research training in the ADOS, you may need to update it for the ADOS-2. WPS is not involved in the research training workshops. For information on these courses, please visit:
An ADOS-2 clinical training workshop is a two-day course that uses a lecture format to introduce people to the basic principles of administering and scoring the ADOS-2. For more information about ADOS-2, please visit the WPS ADOS-2 Clinical Workshop page.
The ADOS-2 Training Video Program (LMS-605) and its associated post-test materials for obtaining Independent Study credits (LMS-605CE) also provide equivalent content. Either of these provides one of the essential steps towards competence in using the ADOS-2 in everyday clinical practice.
WPS licenses test materials that have been modified for use in the assessment of individuals with profound, severe, moderate, or mild levels of deafness with suspected autism spectrum disorder. These include the ADOS-2, ADI-R, and SRS-2 Deaf Adaptations developed by Dr. Barry Wright and colleagues in the United Kingdom.
The modification documents are available for researchers and clinicians to use under license from WPS and are based on the original WPS published materials. For more information, please contact WPS Rights and Permissions to learn how to access the materials,
Learning to use the ADOS-2 and diagnosing autism spectrum disorders are two different professional activities. The ADOS-2 training is designed to help professionals learn to competently administer and score the ADOS-2. It is the first step toward that end—becoming fully competent on the ADOS-2 itself requires additional practice beyond the initial training. The ADOS-2 training is not a comprehensive curriculum in autism spectrum diagnosis. Autism spectrum diagnosis involves much more than administration of the ADOS-2; it typically involves a multidisciplinary evaluation of multiple areas of a child’s functioning, of which the ADOS-2 is just one piece.
The ADOS-2 is used in several kinds of practice. In each, the test user's credentials must match the purpose of the use. For example, a medical diagnosis requires a license, such as that of a medical doctor or clinical psychologist; a special education qualification requires a locally recognized license or credential, such as that of a school psychologist; and so on. The ADOS-2 can also be used for purposes other than making a diagnosis. For example, occupational therapists and speech and hearing professionals often use the ADOS-2 for treatment planning and program evaluation. Some speech and hearing specialists also use the ADOS-2 for early childhood screening and program qualification, as mandated by the state where they practice. It may be helpful to check with your local mental health licensing agency, and with colleagues who diagnose autism in your area of practice, with additional questions along these lines.
No. The WPS materials are designed to provide training to individual users only. Completion does not provide the additional materials and experiences required for the skills needed to train others. The ADOS-2 Training Video Program (LMS-605) can be used to train multiple clinical users at a single site.
Further training through the specialized research training course offered by the research community is required before others may be trained. (Please also see FAQs "What is an ADOS-2 research training workshop?" and "Once I have completed an ADOS-2 research training workshop, can I train someone else?")
Form A begins at age 3 for LC/OE and Age 5 for RC/WE. Form B begins at age 5 for all scales. Aside from the starting age, the forms are parallel and can be used interchangeably. Form B can be given immediately after Form A (or vice versa) if there is a reason to do so.
Most individuals will begin with Form A and will purchase Form B for follow-up testing. Form B uses the same manuals as Form A and therefore the only materials needed for Form B are the easels, record forms, and WE response booklet. These materials are sold as "packs."
The scoring software provides all of the score conversions and a narrative summary. It also provides a detailed item analysis.
The new version does not automatically invalidate the original, and we understand that it can take some time to transition to a new version. That said, ethical guidelines for most professional organizations state that the most up-to-date tests should be used. There is no specific timeframe, but we recommend switching to the new version as soon as possible.
No, the new software is only for the OWLS-II.
If you cannot locate an assessment published by WPS (e.g., “W-123”), then the test might have been placed out-of-print and is unavailable for sale. If this is the case, please contact our Rights & Permissions Department ( to learn more about what options may be available for you to access those materials.
An ADOS-2 research training workshop is only available to those who have completed the in-person clinical training workshop. Research training focuses on bringing attendees' scoring skills to a high level of inter-rater agreement with the scoring practices of skilled examiners. The heightened level of accuracy is needed to ensure that item-level coding is comparable at different labs in different parts of the world where research is being conducted. Research training workshops are offered by the ADOS-2 authors and their colleagues; WPS is not involved in these courses.
For information about research training workshops, including current dates and locations, please visit the websites for CADB and for UCSF ASD training.
Yes! WPS provides a research discount on all of its test publications for graduate students and for researchers involved in formal, funded research directed at publication in peer review journals. WPS also offers scholarly discounts for educational use of its test materials. You may apply if you are using a WPS-proprietary product (identified by a “W-“ product number) in a research study or if you are planning to use WPS-proprietary products to train students.For information about how to apply for research and educational discounts, click here.
Research suggests that there are not overall practice effects on the ADOS-2. Although children who are given the ADOS-2 repeatedly (such as every month or so) may become more familiar with particular tasks (e.g., they may get better at following a birthday party routine), their scores are generally not affected, and the diagnosis as a whole does not seem to be impacted. The scoring of the ADOS-2 emphasizes the child’s spontaneous initiations and responses to the examiner’s behavior, as opposed to scoring of the tasks themselves. Therefore, it makes sense that becoming more familiar with an activity should not change the child’s scores. Similar observations have been made when the ADOS-2 is used repeatedly with adults with ASD; they may become more familiar with the tasks, but they are consistently classified on the algorithm as having ASD.
Although ADOS-2 scores do not change much on repeated administration, ideally it is better if examinees do not learn the tasks. There should always be good clinical reasons for repeating the ADOS-2, especially if it is administered more than twice within a brief interval. If it is known that the ADOS-2 is going to be repeated during a short period of time, the examiner may want to decide in advance to use different materials from the kit each time when possible (e.g., use one book one time and another the next).
Conducting team-based autism evaluations is the standard of practice in many school settings, and the ADOS-2 fits right in. In understanding how to use the ADOS-2 in the context of a team autism evaluation, it is important to differentiate a team autism evaluation from a team administration of the ADOS-2.
A team autism evaluation occurs when different professionals come together to provide a multidisciplinary approach to ASD assessment. This is ideal in order to gather information from multiple sources and make use of expertise from different disciplines. The ADOS-2 is only one source of information in a diagnostic assessment. Information must be gathered from multiple other sources, such as through interviewing parents, talking to teachers and medical professionals, conducting other direct testing (e.g., cognitive testing, language testing) with the child, and so on. Because the ADOS-2 is only one of many sources of information gathered during an autism assessment, conducting a team autism evaluation does not require that the ADOS-2 itself be administered as a team.
Nonetheless, it may be useful at times for multiple professionals to observe the ADOS-2 and consensus code the administration. When multiple professionals are present during an ADOS-2 administration, it is important to keep several considerations in mind. As described in the ADOS-2 manual, it is important that the ADOS-2 be administered by one person, as its primary focus is on interactive social behavior between the examiner and examinee. This recommendation does not preclude observers from being present during the administration. When another professional is present in the room during the ADOS-2 administration, however, it is important that the examinee never be confused about which person is the examiner, with whom he or she is expected to interact. Anyone present beyond the examiner should serve solely as an observer.
The ADOS-2 authors recognize the value of consensus coding a single administration to gain multiple perspectives, as well as to establish and maintain reliability among ADOS-2 examiners. Consensus coding occurs when one person administers and independently scores the ADOS-2 administration based on his or her own notes. Other observers who watched the ADOS-2 administration also independently score the administration based on their own notes. Then the examiner and the observers compare their codes and discuss any disagreements. The group arrives at a consensus code for each item, and the consensus codes are considered the "preferred" codes for that administration. A critical factor here is that each rater completes the codes independently and, after independent coding, the raters discuss and reach consensus. During training, raters may want to discuss codes as they complete them, but this is not appropriate for clinical practice or to be used in student or patient reports. Appropriate consensus coding in clinical practice requires raters to complete codes independently before reaching consensus.
The guidelines described here are intended to help autism evaluation teams make the best use of the ADOS-2 in the context of a team-based autism assessment.
Access to translations is managed by WPS Rights & Permissions ( Several ADOS-2 translations have been licensed to our international publishing partners and will become available for all research and clinical applications when they are released. The full process of translation, back-translation, author-review, and production generally takes 18 to 24 months. WPS Rights & Permissions can also arrange authorization for academically qualified groups to make research-only translations for the ADOS-2 in languages where no commercial versions are underway. In addition, there are some 15 fully reviewed and authorized translations of the original ADOS, which remain valid and will be useful for users who cannot wait for or undertake the creation of ADOS-2 translations.
For information about formally published ADOS translations and in-development ADOS-2 translations,click here.
To obtain permission to make a translation or to inquire further about translations, please contact WPS Rights & Permissions (
It is the firm policy of WPS and the ADOS-2 authors that all ADOS-2 administrations must make use of a written translation that has undergone a formal review and approval process through WPS or one of our licensed international publishing partners. The authors take this position because of their concerns about proper standards of patient care. Experience indicates that translation can significantly affect ADOS-2 scores, and thus the reliability and validity of test results. Only properly reviewed translations can provide results that correspond with those published in the manual and research literature. WPS echoes these concerns, not only in exercising our responsibilities and obligations under international copyright law, but also in protecting the integrity of our proprietary materials across cultures. To help you meet professional standards when conducting assessments with the ADOS-2, WPS will continually work to broaden the availability of the ADOS-2 across language groups and cultures. All uses in translation must have the prior, written consent of WPS.
To obtain permission to make a research translation, or to inquire about available translations, please contact WPS Rights & Permissions (
The Comparison Score for the Spanish language translation of the ADOS-2 can be calculated using a procedure identical to that used for the English version. However, the algorithm form for the Spanish language translation does not include the scoring information for the Comparison Score on the form itself.
To calculate this score after completing the algorithm form, there are four options:
1. Refer to Appendix C of the English language ADOS-2 Manual, which includes full scoring information for the Comparison Score for all ADOS-2 Modules for which the score is available (i.e., Modules 1, 2, and 3).
2. Refer to the algorithm page of the English language ADOS-2 protocol form that corresponds to the Spanish language module that was administered. The front and back sides of the English language form can be referenced alongside the scores from the Spanish language administration in order to calculate the Comparison Score.
3. Use the English language ADOS-2 scoring CD in conjunction with the protocol form from the Spanish language administration in order to calculate the Comparison Score.
4. Create an account on for a complimentary web-based calculation of the Comparison Score. Each purchased set of Spanish language protocol forms includes a PIN number and instructions for accessing this web-based calculation. Further information about this system can be found in the Spanish language translation of the ADOS-2 Manual.
As with all standardized assessments, care should be taken to follow the provided language as closely as possible when administering the ADOS-2. In contrast to many other standardized assessments, however, the standardization of the ADOS-2 does allow for and expect verbal instructions to be adapted when necessary to ensure the participant’s understanding of the task. This includes modifications to account for regional and cultural language variations.
There are various situations in which you may find it necessary to modify the scripted language to ensure the participant can fully understand and engage in the task. For example, when administering Module 3 to very young children, the phrasing of certain interview questions may need to be modified slightly so that the language is more age-appropriate. Similarly, when using an authorized translation of the ADOS-2, you may need to adapt the scripted language to account for regional or cultural variations in language use.
Whenever possible, it is best to plan ahead for the specific administration and determine where, if any, substitutions may be needed in places where the ADOS-2 provides a script. Planning in advance of the administration is helpful in avoiding situations where the participant might inadvertently be provided too many prompts, which in turn can affect coding.
Even with careful advance planning, however, there may be situations in which you first become aware of regional/cultural variations during the administration itself. At these times, you may modify the scripted language and repeat the press, if necessary, to ensure the participant understands the task. You should repeat the press with appropriately modified language only if you believe the specific scripted language has interfered with the participant’s ability to understand the task. You should not repeat the press just because the participant did not respond to the task. Some participants may not respond to a press at all, even after a clarification has been made.
The focus of the ADOS-2 is not on the participant’s understanding of specific words but rather on their social understanding and engagement. In this sense, variations “in the moment” can be made to ensure the participant understands the tasks. Care must be taken, however, to not change the social “press” itself and to not provide too many presses.
As with any clinical assessment, the ADOS-2 should be administered in the language with which the examinee has the most familiarity and comfort. When determining the language of administration of the ADOS-2 for a bilingual examinee, it is important to remember that the goal of the evaluation is to maximize the examinee’s ability to participate in the assessment by minimizing the influence from the language of administration. In this sense, establishing the examinee’s comfort and familiarity with the language of administration is more important than determining which language is “dominant” per se.
Toddler Module and Module 1
The standardization for these modules includes samples of young children with limited receptive and expressive language skills (in any language), and the diagnostic algorithms give greater weight to nonverbal behavior. In order to validly administer the English version of these modules, the examiner should confirm that the examinee has begun to respond to or is comfortable with simple commands and statements in English (e.g., “Look!”). This may be confirmed by gathering information from the caregiver that suggests that the examinee is currently exposed to some English in the context of a therapeutic or educational program or in the home setting.
Modules 2, 3, and 4
These modules have a greater emphasis on spoken language and should be administered in the examinee’s dominant language by a native speaker whenever possible (authorized ADOS-2 translations are available in many languages). For Module 2, if this is not possible, care should be taken to ensure that the examinee understands the examiner at the level of simple phrases and familiar everyday expressions. For Modules 3 and 4, examinees should demonstrate basic proficiency in their comprehension of the examiner’s conversational language and have the ability to verbally express themselves using phrases and simple sentences in the same language. The examiner should have basic familiarity with the examinee’s dialect (inclusive of the examinee’s accent) and subculture-specific uses of language.
During the administration
Once testing is under way, it is acceptable to “code-switch” during the administration of any module, based on the needs of the examinee during the assessment. For example, it is acceptable for the examiner to ask questions in one language, if that is what the examinee understands better, but allow the examinee to answer in the other language. If the bilingual examinee does not respond to the examiner’s presses in one language, it may be necessary to present the press again in the other language.
Testing the limits
At times, the examiner may wish to test the limits and involve the caregiver, asking them to present a few activities using the language they use at home. This observation can help the examiner understand whether the examinee demonstrates different behaviors in different language contexts. When caregivers are asked to assist with administration of an activity, the examiner must help them understand the importance of saying or doing exactly what the examiner asks them to do, without any elaborations or embellishments. Testing the limits in this way provides clinically useful information; however, depending on the extent of change in the examinee’s behavior in different language contexts, it may be necessary to use caution when interpreting the results of the ADOS-2.
Considering the effects of the language of administration
After completion of the testing session, as is true of all assessments, examiners should question whether the examinee’s behavior during testing differed from behavior in other contexts (e.g., by asking the caregiver for their observations). If it is determined that the examinee’s behavior was markedly different and/or the examiner suspects that the language of administration affected the examinee’s social responses or the examiner’s ability to understand the child’s behavior, the data should not be interpreted or it should be interpreted with caution, and such qualifiers should be clearly stated in the summary report and/or relevant database.
Using an interpreter
Regardless of the language of administration, the examiner should have adequate familiarity with both languages of the bilingual examinee whenever possible. There may be clinical situations in which the only possible way to administer the ADOS-2 is with the presence of an interpreter. These situations may range from an examiner who needs minor assistance from an interpreter to comprehend the examinee’s words to an examiner who is mostly reliant on an interpreter to administer activities. When an interpreter is present, it is important to remember that administration through use of an interpreter is nonstandard and may not produce accurate results consistent with those published in the test manual or the research literature. This is particularly true when an interpreter must be relied upon for the majority of the administration. While administering the ADOS-2 with the assistance of an interpreter may provide useful qualitative information as a structured observation, the algorithms generally should not be used or should be interpreted with caution, as they have not been validated for use with an interpreter.
Authorized ADOS-2 translations
When administering the ADOS-2 (or portions of it) in a language other than English, the examiner must use the published translation for that language to be sure that the language used during the administration is standardized. Spanish materials are available through WPS, and materials in other languages are available from our international publishing partners (a list of available translations can be found on the WPS website). When an authorized translation is not available for a given language, it is not possible to provide a standard administration of the ADOS-2 in that language, even if the examiner is a fluent speaker of the language.
Only in limited circumstances. A researcher who has taken the ADOS-2 clinical workshop and the ADOS-2 research workshop and achieved research reliability can, back in their home lab, train people that they work with on a daily basis. A letter with these responsibilities fully specified is given to each research trainee at the time the training workshop is completed. Note that even the original trainee at a research site is not seen as qualified to train people away from their own location until they undergo further practice and supervision in actual training. For example, the individuals who conduct the WPS in person clinical workshops have worked under supervision as training workshop leaders in Dr. Lord's research labs.
Online CE and training materials are available on the WPS® Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn), which provides access to independent study materials, video-based training, live webinars, and support materials for in-person events. WPS also offers some additional post-test materials in print form for obtaining Independent Study credits. These materials are not yet available on the WPS ProLearn, though we intend to make many of the offerings available in the future.
For a list of products that have Independent Study credits available, please visit our Independent Study Continuing Education page. Please review the product descriptions to learn whether any given item is currently available on the WPS® Professional Learning Center or is available only in print form (items with a WPS ProLearn icon are available on the WPS® Professional Learning Center; items with a CE icon are available in print form).
For information about CE credits available for ADOS-2 Clinical Workshops (in live webinar or in-person format), click here.
If you have special needs and wish to request specific accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please contact WPS Professional Development & Training ( prior to or at the time of purchase so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged.
The certificate(s) and attendance letter(s) provided by WPS may specify credit in terms of CE Credits, CE Units (CEUs), or both. Additional credit types may sometimes be specified as well. This is because different professional organizations and licensing boards refer to their licensees’ CE experiences in different units.
Some organizations, such as the American Psychological Association (APA), refer to continuing education experiences in terms of CE credits. For these boards, one CE credit is equal to one contact hour or one study hour. Other organizations, such as the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), refer to continuing education experiences in terms of CE Units. For these boards, one CEU is equal to ten contact hours or ten study hours.
You will need to check with your professional licensing board to determine whether they would like you to document your CE experiences in terms of CE Credits or CE Units. Either way, the WPS CE Certificate of Completion or Attendance Letter should serve as appropriate documentation.
All WPS Independent Study CE is focused on your learning the content through study of the associated assessment and intervention materials. In order to complete WPS Independent Study CE, you will need to purchase the relevant CE post-test materials. These materials do not include access to the associated assessment and/or intervention materials (e.g., manual, video-based training package), which are sold separately.
Most WPS Independent Study CE materials are accessed on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn). To complete Independent Study CE materials on the WPS ProLearn, you will be required to make an online account on the WPS ProLearn to access the post-test materials.
The associated assessment and/or intervention materials require additional purchase and, depending on the product, will either be available in print (e.g., print version of test manuals), online on the WPS Online Evaluation System (e.g., digital version of test manuals), or online on the WPS ProLearn (e.g., video-based training materials).
You will need to review the information for each specific CE item to determine what credit opportunities may be available for various products and delivery formats. Many of our CE items will display approved provider/sponsor statements associated with the American Psychological Association (APA), American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), and/or the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
In addition, the educational offerings available through WPS may qualify for continuing education credit as required by a variety of other national, state, and local licensing boards and professional organizations. If you need CE credit from an organization other than those listed for any given CE item, please contact your own board or organization to determine specific course and filing requirements.
GSAP is available to professors and training instructors of accredited, degree-granting academic programs and institutions, certified internship programs, approved post-doctoral certification programs, training clinics, and workshops.
As a member of GSAP, you are eligible to receive up to three 100% complimentary WPS assessments and intervention resources annually. Each title is limited to one per calendar year. All materials must be requested at the time your application is processed. If you do not request three materials, you forego the right to receive additional items for that calendar year.
No, distributed products are not available as part of GSAP.
Click here to view a current list of materials available through GSAP.
No, materials received through GSAP may not be reproduced, adapted, or translated for any purpose or in any format, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of WPS. Learn more about Copyrights & Permissions.
Yes, online assessments are now provided in addition to print hand scored kits. Learn more about titles available through GSAP by viewing the 2019 GSAP Eligible Titles List.
No, shipping charges are not incurred to deliver GSAP materials within the contiguous United States. Please note, professors or training instructors of international institutions are not eligible to apply for GSAP at this time.
GSAP membership is provided on an annual basis. You must reapply each calendar year.
Once approved, your requested WPS materials should arrive within 7 to 10 business days.
The short answer is you only need to purchase tests if you are going to use them in actual administration. Note that when you purchase a test manual or test form from WPS, the material will bear a notice similar to the following: "Copyright (c) 2012 by Western Psychological Services. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. All rights reserved."
A longer answer is that when you purchase a test manual or test form from WPS, the material will bear a notice similar to the following: "Copyright (c) 2011 by Western Psychological Services. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. All rights reserved." You need to purchase test forms for use because -- in keeping with recognized professional and ethical principles of test use, and per domestic and international copyright law -- professionally developed psychological test materials may not be reprinted, for a variety of professional and ethical reasons that include, though are not limited, to copyright considerations.
Here are two contrasting examples to illustrate how copyright is generally viewed in practice:
- If your pediatrician gave you an original, published BBRS form for use with your son/daughter under his/her guidance, that action would be professionally and legally acceptable.
- If your pediatrician gave you a photocopy or a BBRS form for use, that action would be professionally and legally unacceptable.
Click here to download a PDF of a standard letter of permission for use of WPS proprietary materials in a scholarly study. If your institution requires you to have a standard permission letter addressed specifically to you, please contact
For information about the WPS Research Discount (for use of WPS-published materials in time-stamped, peer-reviewed scientific investigation), including an on-line application form, please click here
When your discount is approved, you will receive a special code that you will use to invoke your particular discount arrangement on any given WPS order, through the discount’s expiration date.
As a general reference, the WPS Research Discount is usually 50% off the cost of per-use computerized scoring materials, and 20% off the cost of test kits and traditional print materials. It is offered on a pre-approved, project-by-project basis (for the life of the project, as necessary), and is not available retroactively to previous orders.
Please note that the WPS Research Discount cannot be applied to:
- Video/DVD training items or CE materials.
- Items WPS does not publish, but distributes on behalf of other publishers (WPS items can be identified by a product code beginning with “W-…”)
- Products purchased before the discount was secured.
WPS is committed to supporting instructors interested in teaching WPS assessments in their graduate school classes. Please be sure you are requesting a product published by WPS (identified by a "W-" product number, e.g. W-472). Read More...
Start by checking with the psychology library at your school; they oftentimes have sample kits that you can review. You can also find Sample Form downloads showing a few items on most WPS assessment pages. These links are located on the upper right section of a product’s main page.
If you need the entire form, then you will have to purchase the materials. (Please note that most test materials are restricted to individuals with advanced credentials based on education, training and/or experience. Your professor may have to assist you in purchasing the materials.)
If you already know the products you are interested in using for your research, you can complete the Research Discount Application.
Complete the Educational Discount for Ongoing Courses Application if you would like to apply for an Educational Discount ranging from 20% to 50% off the single-unit cost of WPS-published test materials needed for use in graduate training classes and other qualified educational programs.
Complete the Research Discount Application if you would like to apply for a Research Discount of 20% to 50% against the single-unit cost of WPS-published test materials needed for qualified scholarly studies.
Training is available for ADOS-2
Our return policy for Independent Study CE materials is the same as our standard return policy. If you are not completely satisfied with an item purchased from WPS, you may return it in salable condition within 90 days of the invoice date, and we will promptly refund the cost of the materials returned (less shipping and handling, if applicable). Before returning any item, please contact WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn) ( to ensure that you are given proper credit.
Please note that materials available online on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn) cannot be returned after they have been accessed. CE materials that are available in print form cannot be returned after they have been submitted to WPS for scoring.
For information about our refund/cancellation policy for the ADOS-2 Clinical Workshop, please visit the WPS ADOS-2 Workshop page.
All Independent Study CE Materials are intended to be accessed and completed within one year of purchase. If more than a year has passed since purchase, you may no longer have access to these materials. In this event, you may need to repurchase access to the materials or the materials may have been discontinued, in which case they can no longer be purchased or completed for CE credit. Online materials that support live in-person events and webinars will be available in the WPS ProLearn for at least one year following the event date.
Video-based training materials (non-CE) purchased on the WPS ProLearn do not currently have an expiration date. Should access need to be rescinded in the future, such as if a currently available product is discontinued, we will provide notice to customers and work with each customer individually upon request to remedy the inconvenience.
To obtain your Certificate of Completion for WPS Independent Study CE, you must first learn the content of the assessment or intervention material for which you have purchased the associated post-test materials. Then, answer the questions contained in the post-test on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn) and submit the post-test for scoring. A post-course evaluation survey will also be provided for you to submit feedback to WPS.
In order for a certificate to be issued, you must meet the pass criterion on the post-test (75% of questions answered correctly). If you do not meet the pass criterion on your first attempt, you will be allowed two opportunities to retake the post-test. If you do not meet the pass criterion after the allowed retakes, you will need to repurchase access to the materials. We recommend that you make a copy of your post-test answers for your records before submitting to WPS for scoring. All Certificates of Completion will be provided electronically in the WPS ProLearn, except for certificates for CE materials that are currently available only in print form. Certificates of Completion for these printed CE materials will be mailed or emailed to you directly.
As noted in the FAQ “How long after purchase do I have access to WPS ProLearn materials?” please be aware that CE materials are intended to be accessed and completed within one year of purchase. If more than a year has passed since purchase, you may no longer have access to these materials. In this event, you may need to repurchase access or the materials may have been discontinued, in which case they can no longer be purchased or completed for CE credit.
For CE items accessed on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn), your certificate will be issued electronically immediately following successful completion of the post-test/course requirements and submission of the post-course evaluation survey.
For CE materials that are currently available only in print form, we will begin processing your post-test materials as soon as we receive them for scoring. If the materials have been completed satisfactorily, you can expect to receive your Certificate of Completion within approximately two weeks. The fastest method of receiving your Certificate of Completion is to receive the certificate via email. We are always happy to accommodate customers who need a quicker turnaround time. If you have submitted your CE materials for scoring and need the results sooner, please contact us ( so that accommodations can be made.
Click here to download AOTA-related information about Independent Study CE for OTs. This document is also relevant for non-OTs, as it includes a variety of information pertaining to each Independent Study item, such as course learning objectives, educational levels, and target audiences.
WPS offers CE credits for our ADOS-2 Clinical Workshop.
At the end of 2016, WPS and USC made a joint, strategic decision to bring the USC/WPS Sensory Integration Certification Program to a close. Any certificate awarded from the USC/WPS Sensory Integration Certification Program continues to be valid and recognized. Click here to access the SI Certified Therapists directory.
For information about the WPS Educational Discount against any given order, please click here. When your discount is approved, you will receive a quote, good for 60 days and including all applicable discounts, that you can use to complete your order directly through WPS Customer Service (as will be detailed on your quote). Read More...
The WPS Independent Trainer Discount is designed primarily for independent trainers of specialized tests such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) and Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R); the application form is found at this link. When your discount is approved, you will receive a quote, good for 60 days and including all applicable discounts, which you can use to complete your order directly through WPS Customer Service (as will be detailed on your quote).
As a general reference, the WPS Independent Trainer Discount is usually 20% off the cost of one test kit (as may be required for the trainer to use on-site), 50% off the cost of consumable test materials required for use in formal instruction, and 10% off the cost of 10+ test manuals (on a single order, to a single destination). The WPS Independent Training Discount is offered on a pre-approved, purchase-by-purchase basis, and is not available retroactively to previous orders.
Please note that the WPS Independent Training Discount cannot be applied to:
- Video/DVD training items or CE materials.
- Items WPS does not publish, but distributes on behalf of other publishers (WPS items can be identified by a product code beginning with “W-…”)
- Products purchased before the discount was secured.
Click here to download a .pdf of a standard letter on WPS’s policy regarding inclusion of test items within scholarly papers. Any questions or follow-up contacts in this regard should be directed to
To receive permission and/or a sample copy of a WPS test for such purposes, please email WPS Rights & Permissions directly ( Be sure to provide the specific purpose of the request, as well as brief details regarding the purpose of the project, and your relationship to it.
For information regarding the inclusion of test materials within a textbook or handbook, email WPS Rights & Permissions directly ( Please provide a sample of the material you seek to reprint, and the name of the publication in which you seek to include it (including specific edition as applicable), along with the name of the publisher, estimated publication date, and estimated print run.
WPS strongly suggests you acquire that test instrument’s manual or handbook for its full and proper review, noting that the vast majority of our manuals/handbooks contain full samples of the instrument, along with comprehensive discussions of the measure’s development, administration, scoring, and interpretation.
If you are conducting a scholarly, peer-reviewed study, you may qualify for a WPS Research Discount for purchase of the manual; Click here for information on how to apply, noting that the discount must be secured in advance of placing an order.
Also – and because all materials sold by WPS come with a 90-day money-back guarantee (details available from – you can order the manual for review without any risk except for shipping/handling charges and local taxes (though the latter will apply only if your order was shipped to a California destination).
As a publisher and distributor of professional assessment materials, WPS discourages the dissemination of psychological tests to those not qualified to use and interpret them. It is our position that only qualified mental health professionals should have direct access to raw test data, test questions, answer sheets, scoring keys and interpretive materials, and that psychological assessment materials should be withheld from the public record. If a person believes that s/he requires access to these materials, and that person is not a qualified mental health professional, it is our position the person should review the materials solely under counsel of someone who is a qualified mental health professional, in which event photocopies should not be necessary.
Our concern goes beyond copyright, which of itself is an important consideration. By limiting the access of psychological tests to qualified mental health professionals, we serve to assist in protecting the security and integrity of test questions, to prevent possible compromise to the objectivity and fairness of the testing process, and to protect a person's test responses from unqualified interpretation.
For additional reference in this regard, see “Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing”, jointly developed by the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), and published by AERA ( ). As an additional point of information see the article in the December 1999 edition of APA's American Psychologist (Vol. 54, No. 12, 1078), titled "Test Security: Protecting the Integrity of Tests."
WPS appreciates and values the role of parents and guardians in this process; many of us who work at WPS are also parents. However, we strongly discourage dissemination of psychological tests to those not qualified to use and interpret them.
WPS's main policy positions in this regard are that only qualified helping professionals should have direct access to raw test data, test questions, answer sheets, scoring keys and interpretive materials, and that psychological assessment materials should be withheld from the public record. If a parent believes that s/he requires access to these materials, and the parent is not a qualified helping professional, our recommendation is the parent review the materials solely under counsel of someone who is so qualified, in which event reproductions should not be necessary.
Our concern goes beyond copyright, itself an important consideration: By limiting the access of psychological tests to qualified helping professionals, we serve to assist in protecting the security and integrity of test questions, to prevent possible compromise to the objectivity and fairness of the testing process, and to protect a child's test responses from unqualified interpretation.
WPS’s strong position is that only qualified helping professionals should have direct access to raw test data, test items, answer sheets, scoring keys and interpretive materials such as would be found in a test manual. WPS does not intend to interfere with court orders, but we urge the court to act responsibly by making psychological test materials available only to qualified helping professionals who have a legitimate need to review those materials for the purposes of a given case. If attorneys or other individuals related to the case require access to the materials, WPS believes they should review them solely under counsel of a qualified helping professional, and we further urge that psychological assessment materials be withheld from the public record.
In the event the court should nevertheless determine to release test materials to those unqualified to obtain and use them - an act we believe has the potential to jeopardize the security and integrity of our proprietary materials - we hope the court would require that such materials be returned to the originating helping professional at the end of the proceedings, and that the court would expressly prohibit the reproduction of such materials in any manner.
Our concern goes beyond copyright, which of itself is an important consideration. By limiting the access of psychological tests to qualified helping professionals, we serve to assist in protecting the security and integrity of test questions, to prevent possible compromise to the objectivity and fairness of the testing process, and to protect a person's test responses from unqualified interpretation by court personnel and others with access to the court.
For additional reference in this regard, see “Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing”, jointly developed by the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME), and published by AERA ( ). As an additional point of information see the article in the December 1999 edition of APA's American Psychologist (Vol. 54, No. 12, 1078), titled "Test Security: Protecting the Integrity of Tests."
WPS can permit reprints, adaptations, and translations made by qualified researchers and organizations who first secure proper written authorization from WPS Rights & Permissions, under permission arrangements that are subject as necessary to payment of license fees to WPS. Preferred scholarly arrangements are available to qualified scientific investigators who are conducting peer-reviewed study through an accredited university or other scholarly institution conducting not-for-profit study. Contact WPS Rights & Permissions for details securing the necessary arrangements (
Common examples of the types of licensing arrangements assisted through WPS Rights & Permissions include, though are not limited to: Use of selected scales from a test within a customized research battery; use of a test in translation as part of a scholarly study; and placing a test into an on-line environment (such as SurveyMonkey) for use within a particular scientific investigation.
No reprinting, adaptations, or translations of copyrighted WPS material, in whole or in part, in any media is permitted without the prior written authorization of WPS. , including payment of license fees as may be required (e.g., WPS Rights & Permissions can help researchers secure pre-approved licensing arrangements that permit them to adapt or translate WPS-proprietary test material for use in a particular study).
WPS strongly discourages this practice. If you have a scientific, research-based or practice-based need that prevents you from using original, WPS-published materials, please contact to learn of the pre-approved, per-use licensing options that might be available to accommodate your particular needs.
WPS does offer selected titles in Spanish translation. For information on which materials are available in Spanish from WPS (, just type “Spanish” in that website’s search bar. Selected WPS titles, along with many other titles, are published in Spanish under WPS contract by the following companies:
- Editorial Manual Moderno of Mexico City (
- TEA Ediciones, S.A. of Madrid (
WPS has continuously growing relationships with experienced, qualified test publishers in countries around the world. View our comprehensive list of WPS publications offered internationally in formally published language editions, and the sources from which they’re available, please click here. If you do not see a title that you need in a language in which you need to administer it, please contact ( to learn of the possibilities, noting that a variety of our instruments have available what are considered “research translations” that are available solely from WPS Rights & Permissions, and only for use in registered scientific investigations.
As a general rule, please note that simultaneous translation (also known as “translation on the fly”) working from English materials of psychological test materials is not only prohibited by WPS, its practice is inconsistent with internationally recognized best testing practices regarding proper cross-cultural adaptation of psychometrically-developed instruments.
In keeping with longstanding WPS policy and practice, please send your correspondence for the author directly to WPS Rights & Permissions ( and we will forward the request accordingly.
Access to translations is managed by WPS Rights & Permissions ( Several ADOS-2 translations have been licensed to our international publishing partners and will become available for all research and clinical applications when they are released. The full process of translation, back-translation, author-review, and production generally takes 18 to 24 months. WPS Rights & Permissions can also arrange authorization for academically qualified groups to make research-only translations for the ADOS-2 in languages where no commercial versions are underway. In addition, there are some 15 fully reviewed and authorized translations of the original ADOS, which remain valid and will be useful for users who cannot wait for or undertake the creation of ADOS-2 translations.
For information about formally published ADOS translations and in-development ADOS-2 translations, click here.
To obtain permission to make a translation or to inquire further about translations, please contact WPS Rights & Permissions (
The Independent ADOS & ADI-R Training Educational Discount Application is used only for Independent ADOS and ADI-R training not directly affiliated with the WPS Course Series. The lead instructor should complete the application to apply for an educational discount.
WPS offers a live webinar training for the ADOS-2 as well as video-based training (online self-study) through our WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn).
Volume discounts are available to large institutions, such as school districts, clinics, and hospitals. For more information, contact
Please review our scholarly discounts page to learn about our programs.
To begin a distributor relationship with WPS, please contact
Please contact distribution@wpspublish.comfor all WPS-product related needs.
We accept purchase orders from recognized public agencies and institutions. You may mail or fax your purchase order to WPS, or email it to
WPS accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
To order by fax or mail, please complete your purchase order or order form and send it to 424.201.6950 or 625 Alaska Ave. Torrance, CA 90503.
The easiest way to provide qualifications is to register for an account on After doing so, you may order online or offline.
However, you may also download and fill out WPS's Application to Purchase Assessment Materials. This form must be completed by individuals who wish to purchase psychological or educational tests and related materials. It must also be signed by the person who will assume overall professional responsibility for the use of such tests and interpretation of results.
Organizational accounts are created for professional groups of individuals who order together.
Some test materials are restricted to individuals with advanced credentials based on education, training, and/or experience in the field of assessment.
Level N corresponds to advanced psychiatric and advanced neuropsychological instruments, such as the b Test and the Dot Counting Test.
Please note that materials available online on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn) cannot be returned after they have been accessed. CE materials that are available in print form cannot be returned after they have been submitted to WPS for scoring.
We do not accept returns on items that are no longer available. Please note when purchasing that all discontinued items are final sale.
10% (with a $5.00 minimum) on shipments within the U.S.
20% (with a $10.00 minimum) on shipments to Canada
25% (with a $25.00 minimum) on shipments outside the U.S. and Canada.
(Shipments to Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands may incur additional shipping charges.) Please note that due to the high cost of shipping to some foreign countries, you may be required to pay actual shipping costs in addition to a nominal handling fee. You will be notified if your order is being billed at actual shipping cost.
Orders are usually shipped within one business day of receipt.
Delivery takes from 2 to 10 business days (depending on distance from California). Track your order by viewing My Account.
Customs charges and duties may be applied to a shipment when it enters a foreign country. These charges are determined by the country's government and are collected by the package courier upon delivery of goods. The carrier, acting as customs broker, may also charge a processing fee that you are responsible for paying. WPS plays no role in assigning or collecting these duties.
To view product sample materials, please visit and locate the web page of the product you are interested in purchasing. You can find products by using the search field at the top right or clicking “shop” at the top navigation bar. Please note, you must be registered on the WPS website, logged into your account, and have the appropriate qualifications to view sample materials.
If you do not see what you need, please contact Customer Service by calling 800.648.8857 or 424.201.8800 or emailing
First, check that the address you are entering is correct. If you continue to have problems with the registration process, please contact WPS Technical Support by calling 800.648.8857 or 424.201.8800 or emailing
Check that the email domain name (for example, is correct. If you’re registering a new account under an existing organization, check that your email domain matches the domain used when the organizational account was created. If you continue to have problems with the registration process, please contact WPS Technical Support by calling 800.648.8857 or 424.201.8800 or emailing
Products currently available online include:
- Sensory Processing Measure™ (SPM™)
- Sensory Processing Measure™-Preschool (SPM™-P)
- Phonological and Print Awareness Scale (PPA Scale) Free Online Scoring
- Social Responsiveness Scale™, Second Edition (SRS™-2)
- Developmental Profile™ 3 (DP™-3)
- School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory™ (SMALSI™)
- School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory-College (SMALSI College)
- Oral Passage Understanding Scale (OPUS) Free Online Scoring
- Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale, Fourth Revision (Arizona-4) Free Online Scoring
- Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ)
- Developmental Behavior Checklist 2 (DBC™2)
- Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Second Edition (RCMAS™-2)
- Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale, Third Edition (Piers-Harris™3)
- Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation (RISE)
No. However, the WPS Online Evaluation System can be accessed using Mac computers and iPads. For a list of products available on the WPS Online Evaluation System, please visit
Please contact WPS Technical Support by calling 800.648.8857 or 424.201.8800 or emailing
Go to Please note that all products used on the WPS Online Evaluation System must be purchased at
No. The WPS website ( and the WPS Online Evaluation System ( are separate websites that track separate account information. Even if you are registered on the WPS website, you will need to create an account at in order to utilize the system.
Most software programs produced by WPS are compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 (32- and 64-bit versions). The only exception is the Halstead Russell Neuropsychological Evaluation System, Revised (HRNES-R), which is compatible with Windows 7 and 8 32-bit, but not 64-bit.
If you encounter problems installing or using any WPS software, please contact WPS Technical Support by calling 800.648.8857 or 424.201.8800 or emailing
Free computer support is available for all software and print materials listed in our catalog.
Our computer support staff is available Monday through Friday from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm (Pacific Time) at 800.648.8857 (U.S. and Canada) or 424.201.8800. You can also email your question to
On the menu bar at the top of the screen, go to "Help" and then select "Contents." Alternatively, you can find the User's Guide on your program CD. For programs requiring Windows, the User's Guide file is GUIDE.DOC. For programs requiring DOS, the User's Guide file is WPS.DOC.
Using the CD you can install the program on as many computers as you would like, but you will only be able to score a test on a computer with the WPS USB Key (included with the purchase of your CD).
If you need assistance, please contact WPS Technical Support at 424.201.8800 or 800.648.8857 (U.S. and Canada only) Monday through Friday, between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm Pacific time. You may also email Technical Support at