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From $37.00
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(CAPs) Clinical Assessment of Pragmatics
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To $1,972.00
(CASL-2) Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition
From $83.00
To $4,659.00
(OWLS™-II) Oral and Written Language Scales, Second Edition
From $70.00
To $16,169.00
(SSI-4) Stuttering Severity Instrument, Fourth Edition
From $79.00
To $347.00
(CAAP-2) Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology, Second Edition
From $49.00
To $496.00
(LAT-NU) LinguiSystems Articulation Test: Normative Update
From $54.00
To $431.00
(TOCS) Test of Childhood Stuttering
From $40.00
To $487.00
(OSMSE-3) Oral Speech Mechanism Screening Examination- Third Edition
From $34.00
To $319.00
(KSPT) Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children
From $30.00
To $245.00
(TOPL-2) Test of Pragmatic Language, Second Edition
From $70.00
To $560.00