BIMAS-2 Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System
(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2
(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2
(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2
(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2
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(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2

by James L. McDougal, PsyD, Achilles N. Bardos, PhD, Scott T. Meier, PhD
The BIMAS-2 measures social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in children and adolescents. It operates on a web-based platform that has an online data management system with dynamic analysis, graphing, and reporting options
National standardization sample offers normative data (scale & item level)
T-scores, percentiles, confidence intervals, color-coded feedback
Individual administration with Teacher Form, Parent Form, and Self-Report Student Form
Varies according to needs of student; about 2 minutes per student
Grade Levels Pre-K through Grade 12
Publish Date
Level B required.

About Qualification Levels

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(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2

From $2.50

To $244.50

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BIMAS-2 Introductory Kit

This includes a one-time account set-up fee, an online orientation webinar, and access to the BIMAS-2 Technical Manual in PDF form. Additional purchase of 25 licenses is required. Volume discounts are available.

Contact for questions or to place an order.

1 x BIMAS-2 Introductory Kit   + $100.00
BIMAS-2 Annual Platform Maintenance

Customers must purchase this service annually to continue using scoring system and maintain records.

1 x BIMAS-2 Annual Platform Maintenance   + $120.00
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BIMAS-2 Annual License (1 to 4,999 students)

All purchases require either an active BIMAS-2 Introductory Kit or BIMAS-2 Annual Platform Maintenance purchase. Licenses are sold in increments of 25. Please contact for answers to any questions, more details, order completion, or volume discounts.

1 x BIMAS-2 Annual License (1 to 4,999 students)   + $4.00
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BIMAS-2 Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System
(BIMAS-2) The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2

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    About This Product

    The BIMAS-2 is a brief, repeatable multi-informant measure of behavior and social–emotional learning (SEL) skills, and is administered through student-, teacher-, and parent-reported forms. This tool provides a mechanism for integrating universal screening, progress monitoring, outcome assessment, and program evaluation.

    BIMAS-2 Reports

    • Dynamic data mining features allow the aggregation of data and reports that guide decision-making at the district, building, classroom, teacher, and individual student level.
    • Reports offer guidance and specificity to develop interventions and progress monitoring plans for a student’s individual level.

    Universal Screening

    Universal screening identifies students who might be at risk or who need further assessment. The BIMAS-2 screening data, using a nationally representative normative group, can be dynamically manipulated to describe performance at the district, building, classroom, teacher, and individual student level. The accuracy of screening data across informants demonstrates the assessment’s sensitivity in calibrating positive growth/development in students, and in detecting their needs for additional support.

    Progress Monitoring

    Features of progress monitoring throughout the BIMAS-2 include a universal assessment process that allows the user/administrator to monitor the progress of the screening process. The BIMAS-2 also allows report generation and data review across multiple screening periods. The BIMAS-2 offers a visual presentation of progress with T-scores as well as tables and graphs that are colorful and simple to understand. This visual presentation is further enhanced with statistical comparisons (i.e., the Reliable Change Index [RCI]) to demonstrate the effect size of the changes that occur following an intervention. 

    In addition, the user can monitor the effectiveness of system-wide interventions such as Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) or SEL curricula and monitor small-group or individual interventions (e.g., behavior support plans, IEP plans). Progress monitoring is easily accomplished with the Standard Form and the flexibility of creating unique monitoring plans. The data generated by this process increases accountability for all parties involved, promotes implementation fidelity, and facilitates the collaboration of school personnel and parents.

    Program Evaluation and Equity Analyses

    The BIMAS-2 can assess the effectiveness of interventions that are implemented (e.g., school-based mental health and special education programs provided on an individual or small-group basis). Available online are numerous comparison options that compare groups across variables such as gender, race, and ethnicity. Data exportation is available in CSV format for further statistical analysis.

    The BIMAS-2 Standard Form Scales

    TThe Standard Form includes 34 change-sensitive items that are used for universal screening and for assessing response to intervention. The Flex Form allows the user to select the recommended items with national/norm-referenced data as well as to create their own items and criteria to evaluate students’ progress. The BIMAS-2 is the only commercially available measure developed using the Intervention Item Selection Rules (IISRs) model, a process that identifies items with demonstrated change sensitivity to interventions.

    The BIMAS-2 Standard Form allows a dual view of data interpretation. The Standard view offers a view of behavioral concerns and adaptive skills:

    Behavioral Concern Scales—Identify risks

    • Conduct—anger management, bullying behaviors, substance abuse, deviance
    • Negative affect—anxiety, depression
    • Cognitive/attention—attention, focus, organization, planning, memory

    Adaptive Scales—Identify strengths and areas for improvement

    • Social skills, communication
    • Academic functioning

    The BIMAS-2 SEL scales offer a CASEL framework representation of behaviors:

    • Self-awareness
    • Self-management
    • Social awareness
    • Relationships
    • Responsible decision-making

    BIMAS-2 Flex

    Distinct, more specific behavioral items (10–30) for each of the 34 BIMAS Standard Form items on the five scales.

    • Both positively and negatively worded items are available to be selected.
    • Assessors can customize treatment goals by selecting behaviors of concern and creating mini-assessments.
    • Intervention plans can be saved and used again with other students, and there is flexibility to import the plans and save them for future use.
    • Frequent progress monitoring assesses changes in behavioral concern or adaptive skills.


    Pandemic Distress: Navigating the Course with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
    Using Social and Emotional Competence Assessment to Support Teaching, Learning, and Student Success
    How Schools Develop Comprehensive Behavior Supports for Students Using the BIMAS-2 Assessment