(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood
(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood
(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood
(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood

(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood

Based on ratings from 800 parents and 800 teachers/caregivers, reflecting U.S. population in terms of ethnicity/race, gender, geographic region, SES, and age; provided separately for male and female subjects, at 6-month age intervals
Assesses both development and behavior–in two settings–for a detailed picture of young children
Parent and teacher/caregiver ratings
25 minutes
2 to 6 years
Level C required.

About Qualification Levels

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(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood


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(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood
(Conners EC) Conners Early Childhood

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    About This Product


    The new Conners EC identifies behavioral, social, and emotional problems in young children. It lets you know whether youngsters are meeting major developmental milestones—information that’s useful in determining eligibility for early intervention or special education services. The test covers the following scales and milestones: 

    Behavior Scales

    • Inattention/Hyperactivity
    • Oppositional/Aggressive Behaviors
    • Social Functioning/Atypical Behaviors
    • Anxiety, Mood, and Affect
    • Physical Symptoms

    Developmental Milestones

    • Adaptive Skills
    • Communication
    • Motor Skills
    • Play
    • Pre-academic/Cognitive

    The Conners EC includes both a Parent Form (191 items) and a Teacher/Caregiver Form (187 items). Ratings are made in a Response Booklet and then scored using the Conners EC software.    

    Embedded within each form are three item subsets: Behavior, Developmental Milestones, and Global Index (composed of the 10 highest loading items from the original Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scales). When you need no more than a quick estimate of psychopathology or a convenient way to monitor treatment, you can obtain scores for one or more of these indexes only.

    When you score the full test, you can generate several reports. Assessment Reports note elevated scales, milestones met, and status relative to peers, while also providing Feedback Handouts that explain test results to parents. Progress Reports compare results from two to four administrations for the same individual. And Comparative Reports examine results from different raters (e.g., mother, father, teacher) to pinpoint similarities and differences.