(EFCP) Early Functional Communication Profile
(EFCP) Early Functional Communication Profile
From $42.00
To $130.00
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About This Product
This profile measures subtle, functional changes in nonverbal communication skills in children with severe disabilities as well as with significant improvement in children with moderate disabilities. You can use the EFCP to gather information to help determine a starting point in therapy and monitor progress over time.
The EFCP works well with children who:
- Are suspected to have or have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Have severe to profound cognitive impairments
- Have coexisting disorders
- Use augmentative and alternative communication
This dynamic assessment uses a hierarchy of prompts to provide information about what skills a child can perform with some degree of adult assistance. Skills and the level of progress are defined by:
- Developmental level
Skills arranged from easiest to hardest
- Level of environmental prompt
Placement of the examiner or test items: For example, in front, to the side, or behind the child
Gestural prompt: For example, handing an object to the child or pointing
Verbal cues: For example, saying “your turn” or asking a question
- Level of adult-action prompt
Subtle physical and visual prompts: For example, hand-over-hand, patting the chest or arm, waiting with hand reaching out, waiting expectantly, and so on
The EFCP Profile Form includes a Summary Chart so you can easily track a child’s progress. You can indicate the date of each assessment, the child’s ages at the time of each assessment, and if each skill is emerging or mastered.
Since the EFCP is a criterion-referenced tool, it does not supply age or number scores. Its precise descriptive measures tell you what a child can do and how he or she responds to different types of prompts.
EFCP Subtests
- Joint Attention: Requesting Objects
- Social Interaction: Turn-taking
- Communicative Intent: Requesting Continuation of Actions
- Communicative Intent: Requesting Assistance
- Social Interaction: Response to Greetings
- Joint Attention: Receptive Language
- Communicative Intent: Protesting