Can a parent have a copy of a test?
WPS appreciates and values the role of parents and guardians in this process; many of us who work at WPS are also parents. However, we strongly discourage dissemination of psychological tests to those not qualified to use and interpret them.
WPS's main policy positions in this regard are that only qualified helping professionals should have direct access to raw test data, test questions, answer sheets, scoring keys and interpretive materials, and that psychological assessment materials should be withheld from the public record. If a parent believes that s/he requires access to these materials, and the parent is not a qualified helping professional, our recommendation is the parent review the materials solely under counsel of someone who is so qualified, in which event reproductions should not be necessary.
Our concern goes beyond copyright, itself an important consideration: By limiting the access of psychological tests to qualified helping professionals, we serve to assist in protecting the security and integrity of test questions, to prevent possible compromise to the objectivity and fairness of the testing process, and to protect a child's test responses from unqualified interpretation.