How do I receive permission to photocopy or otherwise adapt a test?
WPS can permit reprints, adaptations, and translations made by qualified researchers and organizations who first secure proper written authorization from WPS Rights & Permissions, under permission arrangements that are subject as necessary to payment of license fees to WPS. Preferred scholarly arrangements are available to qualified scientific investigators who are conducting peer-reviewed study through an accredited university or other scholarly institution conducting not-for-profit study. Contact WPS Rights & Permissions for details securing the necessary arrangements (
Common examples of the types of licensing arrangements assisted through WPS Rights & Permissions include, though are not limited to: Use of selected scales from a test within a customized research battery; use of a test in translation as part of a scholarly study; and placing a test into an on-line environment (such as SurveyMonkey) for use within a particular scientific investigation.
No reprinting, adaptations, or translations of copyrighted WPS material, in whole or in part, in any media is permitted without the prior written authorization of WPS. , including payment of license fees as may be required (e.g., WPS Rights & Permissions can help researchers secure pre-approved licensing arrangements that permit them to adapt or translate WPS-proprietary test material for use in a particular study).