What if I need materials in a language other than Spanish or English?
WPS has continuously growing relationships with experienced, qualified test publishers in countries around the world. View our comprehensive list of WPS publications offered internationally in formally published language editions, and the sources from which they’re available, please click here. If you do not see a title that you need in a language in which you need to administer it, please contact (rights@wpspublish.com) to learn of the possibilities, noting that a variety of our instruments have available what are considered “research translations” that are available solely from WPS Rights & Permissions, and only for use in registered scientific investigations.
As a general rule, please note that simultaneous translation (also known as “translation on the fly”) working from English materials of psychological test materials is not only prohibited by WPS, its practice is inconsistent with internationally recognized best testing practices regarding proper cross-cultural adaptation of psychometrically-developed instruments.