When will ADOS-2 translations be available?
Access to translations is managed by WPS Rights & Permissions (rights@wpspublish.com). Several ADOS-2 translations have been licensed to our international publishing partners and will become available for all research and clinical applications when they are released. The full process of translation, back-translation, author-review, and production generally takes 18 to 24 months. WPS Rights & Permissions can also arrange authorization for academically qualified groups to make research-only translations for the ADOS-2 in languages where no commercial versions are underway. In addition, there are some 15 fully reviewed and authorized translations of the original ADOS, which remain valid and will be useful for users who cannot wait for or undertake the creation of ADOS-2 translations.
For information about formally published ADOS translations and in-development ADOS-2 translations, click here.
To obtain permission to make a translation or to inquire further about translations, please contact WPS Rights & Permissions (rights@wpspublish.com)