(KBIT-2 Revised) Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition Revised
(KBIT-2 Revised) Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition Revised
From $91.10
To $879.90
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About This Product
Brief measure of verbal and nonverbal intelligence
KBIT-2 Revised will enable you to:
- Estimate an individual's relative level of verbal and nonverbal ability compared to a representative national sample
- Identify learners who may benefit from educational enrichment or assistance programs
- Rapidly screen large populations of learners to identify those who would benefit from comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation
- Administer the Nonverbal subtest in any language; Spanish instructions and teaching available in the Stimulus Book/Administration Directions
- Administer the Verbal subtests in English to assess bilingual examinees and accept correct responses in any language; Spanish responses provided on the Record Form
- Measure cognitive ability as part of a gifted/talented selection process
- Quickly assess the intellectual ability of adults in institutional settings such as prisons, group homes, rehabilitation clinics, or mental health centers
- Reevaluate the cognitive ability of a child or adult after a treatment or significant life event
What's new to KBIT-2 Revised?
Based on customer feedback, KBIT-2 Revised has been reviewed and modernized. Item art now includes modern technologies, reflects common object/device usage patterns, and strives to improve cross-cultural relevance. Changes to item content were carefully considered and implemented to support the fullest possible range of responses seen during KBIT-2 Revised administrations.
Refreshed features of the KBIT-2 Revised include:
- New norms reflective of the most recent US census data available at publication
- Guidance for remote administration and normative data from remote-administered cases
- Item content that better reflects the realities of learners' lived experiences
- Updated intercorrelations with other tests/scores