On-Demand Webinar for PATOSS Customers: Taking a Deeper Dive Into Dyslexia: TOD Case Studies.

Description of Webinar

The purpose of this webinar is to discuss important considerations in dyslexia assessment by reviewing several customer questions about dyslexia, as well as the Tests of Dyslexia (TOD®) results with individuals of varying ages (early elementary to adult). Example cases will focus on topics such as identification of early indicators of dyslexia and the need for systematic instruction; the importance of using a multiple deficit framework and assessing several linguistic risk factors; the challenges in distinguishing dyslexia from other disorders, such as dysgraphia, developmental language disorder, and ADHD; the importance of providing specific recommendations and including qualitative information to help support conclusions; and considerations when preparing a report to help a student get the accommodation of extended time on high-stakes tests. In addition, specific interpretive features of the TOD will be explained, including the use and interpretation of the Dyslexia Diagnostic Index.  


Learning Objectives

At the end of this webinar, the learner will be able to:

  • Identify the main linguistic risk factors that can contribute to problems in reading and spelling development; 
  • Explain the use and interpretation of the TOD Dyslexia Diagnostic Index; and  
  • Explain the importance of providing specific recommendations for accommodations and interventions. 

Registration Cost


Number of CEs Offered



Original Webinar Date

June 5, 2024


Webinar Duration

90 Minutes


Instructional Level


Target Audience

Assessment professionals, including neuropsychologists, school psychologists, clinical psychologists, teachers, special education teachers, reading specialists/interventionists, speechlanguage pathologists (SLPs), and occupational therapists (OTs). 



The on-demand courses are designed to be self-paced. You can start and stop as needed. You must watch the videos in their entirety before taking the CE test.    

Registration and Confirmation  

Customers will purchase their course on the WPS website by adding selected item(s) to their cart and completing their transaction with a credit card. Customers who wish to pay with a purchase order will need to contact a representative at 844-378-4918. Once payment is rendered, customers will receive a sales order confirmation email, followed by an email that contains the License Key link. Customers will click on the link to register on the WPS website or sign in if they have already registered. There, customers will be able to access course(s). Once registered, customers will receive a registration confirmation email.     


Refund/Cancellation Policy and Late Registration/Transfer Fees  

The on-demand courses available through the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn™) cannot be returned after they have been accessed and cannot be transferred.    

Webinar Completion Requirements  

To obtain your Certificate of Completion for on-demand CE courses, you must first watch the video. Then, answer the questions contained in the post-test on the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn™) and submit the post-test for scoring. A post-course evaluation survey will also be provided for you to submit feedback to WPS.   

 In order for a Certificate to be issued, you must pass the post-test with a score of 75% or higher. If you do not pass on your first attempt, you will be allowed two opportunities to retake the post-test. If you do not pass after a total of three attempts, you will need to repurchase access to the materials. We recommend that you make a copy of your post-test answers for your records before submitting them to WPS for scoring. All Certificates of Completion will be provided electronically in the WPS ProLearn system. No partial credit will be awarded.   


Presenter Bio

Nancy Mather, PhD

Dr. Mather is professor emerita at the University of Arizona in Tucson and the coauthor of several assessments, including the Tests of Dyslexia (TOD) and the Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV). She has served as a learning disabilities teacher, a diagnostician, and an educational consultant, and she conducts workshops on both assessment and instruction for students with dyslexia. She received her PhD in special education from the University of Arizona, with a dissertation focused on the assessment of gifted students and students with learning disabilities.   

Throughout her career, Dr. Mather has maintained a special focus on assessment and intervention for individuals with dyslexia and learning disabilities. In particular, her research and scholarship have centered on assessment methods and interventions for children with reading problems. Her articles have appeared in both school psychology and special education journals, and she has published numerous books on topics related to learning disabilities and dyslexia, including Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention, Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors, and Essentials of Assessment Report Writing. 

In addition to the TOD and the WJ IV, Dr. Mather is coauthor of the Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency, Second Edition (TOSWRF-2); the Test of Orthographic Competence, Second Edition (TOC-2); and the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Third Edition (ITPA-3). 


Special Needs Request

WPS will make accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require specific accommodations, please email prolearn@wpspublish.com prior to or at the time of course registration so that appropriate arrangements can be made.


Presenters receive an honorarium and royalties for their presentation and from the sale of the webinar.