PATOSS Training

WPS is pleased to offer a variety of educational resources and training opportunities to enhance your expertise in assessing for dyslexia and planning reading interventions with the Tests of Dyslexia (TOD®).
Green fern leaves pattern with an overlay of WPS TOD Training assessment covers on TOD manual and dyslexia interventions and recommendations.

PATOSS Training



The TOD® Training courses are designed to be self-paced. You can start and stop as needed. The video must be watched in its entirety before downloading the Certificate of Completion.


Registration Cost, Discounts, and Course Materials

The cost of registration is listed in the product overview box. PowerPoint slides and/or any other materials associated with the event will be made available at the time of the event through WPS ProLearn. 

Currently, we do not offer any discounts on WPS ProLearn products.  


Registration and Confirmation

Customers will purchase their course on the WPS webiste by adding selected item(s) to their cart and completing their transaction with a credit card. Customers who wish to pay with a purchase order will need to complete this form. Once payment is rendered, customers will receive a sales order confirmation email, followed by an email that contains the License Key link. Customers will click on the link to register on the WPS website or sign in if they have already registered. There, customers will be able to access course(s). Once registered, customers will receive a registration confirmation email. 


Refund/Cancellation Policy and Late Registration/Transfer Fees

The on-demand courses available through the WPS Professional Learning Center (WPS ProLearn™) cannot be returned after they have been accessed and cannot be transferred.  


Contact Us

Contact us at WPS service hours are 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., USA Pacific Standard Time.



Optional Dyslexia-Related Resources

Not required for PATOSS training.
