(WJ IV) Woodcock-Johnson IV
(WJ IV) Woodcock-Johnson IV
From $133.21
To $36,087.14
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About This Product
The Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) is the only assessment that offers three co-normed batteries to produce actionable insights for specific referral concerns. The three batteries may be administered individually or in combination.
The WJ IV marks a substantial step forward in evaluating individual capabilities. The structure of the WJ IV system enables the formulation of comprehensive cognitive, achievement, and oral language assessment. The WJ IV can be utilized for individuals ranging from 2 to 90 years old. On average, an examiner will require 5 to 10 minutes per test within a battery. The scoring process is carried out using the Riverside Score system.
Please note, after purchase of the WJ IV, our customer support team will send you scoring instructions within 2 business days.
Access to the WPS Partner Portal, where you will score your forms, is sent via an email from riversidescore@clinical.
Please note: The Partner Portal is a different website than the WPS® Online Evaluation SystemTM (OES) AND different from the Riverside Score website.
The full suite of the Woodcock-Johnson IV is designed to offer the most insightful diagnostic interpretations for the following areas:
- Tests of Achievement (ACH)
- Tests of Cognitive Abilities (COG)
- Tests of Oral Language
The WJ IV Tests of Achievement (ACH) are perfectly suited for precise screening, diagnosis, and tracking of progress in the domains of reading, writing, and math. It provides a comprehensive configuration of tests and clusters across the domains of reading, written language, mathematics, and academic knowledge.
It is ideal for:
- Identifying academic functioning and growth over time
- Determining relative academic strengths and weaknesses
- Using data to inform educational programming and IEP development
The WJ IV ACH offers beneficial functions like:
- Pinpointing key areas of academic functioning related to Specific Learning Disabilities
- Increasing diagnostic capabilities when used alongside the co-normed WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities and WJ IV Tests of Oral Language
- Generating a broad achievement cluster, providing an overall estimate of an individual’s academic achievement
- Providing comparisons between skills, fluency, and applications, giving examiners important diagnostic information
- A flexible administration design, allowing practitioners to select tests for specific referral concerns
- Three parallel forms, preventing over-exposure to items on any given form
The WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (COG) ushers in a fresh era of Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) theory and showcases the widest range of cognitive abilities in any standardized test collection. Practitioners can apply contemporary cognitive theory to identify processing strengths and weaknesses.
It is ideal for:
- Identifying exceptionalities and disabilities
- Determining relative cognitive strengths and weaknesses
- Linking evaluation data to interventions or accommodations
The WJ IV COG offers beneficial functions like:
- Pinpointing cognitive correlates of learning problems
- Increasing diagnostic capabilities when used alongside the co-normed WJ IV Tests of Achievement and WJ IV Tests of Oral Language
- Providing diagnostically useful tests and clusters
- Generating an academically predictive Gf-Gc composite
- Allowing examiners to utilize applications of CHC theory
- A flexible administration design, allowing practitioners to select tests for specific referral concerns
The WJ IV Tests of Oral Language provides language-related insights into observed learning problems when used as a diagnostic supplement to the WJ IV COG and WJ IV ACH or as a stand-alone battery. The 12-test battery includes nine English tests and three Spanish tests, all of which are included in a single test easel.
It is ideal for:
- Assessing oral language abilities
- Determining English (and Spanish) language proficiency
- Comparing strengths and weaknesses among oral language and language related abilities
The WJ IV Tests of Oral Language offers beneficial functions like:
- Providing important information about phonological and rapid automatic naming skills
- Determining how levels of academic achievement compare to the ability to comprehend oral language
- Generating a Comparative Language Index to compare English oral language ability to Spanish oral language ability
- Allowing for a more complete evaluation of specific learning disabilities, including dyslexia
- Yielding a measure of Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)
- Evaluating the impact of oral language proficiency on cognitive and academic score performance
Please note: For all Woodcock-Johnson IV orders outside of the domestic US, please contact Riverside directly.